Schon mal einen bilingualen Podcast gehört? Angetrieben von der Idee, ihr Publikum pünktlich zum Wochenstart mit einem humorvollen Gedanken zu verwöhnen, versuchen Jacob Moss (Journalist & Werber) und Gabriel Schaffler (Radiomacher & Kulturjournalist), bewusst eine Sprache für viele Menschen zu sprechen. Der eine auf Englisch, der andere auf Deutsch. Australia Vs. Austria. Woche für Woche setzten sich die beiden Hosts vor die Mikrofone und plaudern über Wien, Österreich und die Welt da draußen. Völlig egal, ob random Beobachtungen, heikle Momente oder tagesaktuelle Themen. The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Immer Montags - Immer deppat. Der Podcast „The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria“ ist eine Produktion der Werbeagentur „The Wurst Agency“ und wird gesponsert von dem Online-Magazine „Vienna Würstelstand“. Dein Magazin rund um Wien. Hast du Wünsche oder Feedback? Möchtest du mit uns arbeiten oder Werbepartner werden? Get in touch with us „hello@thewurst.agency” ENGLISH 👇👇👇 Have you ever listened to a bilingual podcast? Driven by the idea of treating their audience to a humorous thought at the start of the week, Jacob Moss (journalist & advertiser) and Gabriel Schaffler (radio producer & cultural journalist) consciously aim to speak a language for many people. One in English, the other in German. Australia Vs. Austria. Week after week, the two hosts sit in front of the microphones and chat about Vienna, Austria, and the world out there. Whether it’s random observations, tricky moments, or current topics, it doesn’t matter. ”The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Every Monday - Always silly.” The podcast ”The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria” is a production of the advertising agency ”The Wurst Agency” and is sponsored by the online magazine ”Vienna Würstelstand”. Your magazine about Vienna. Do you have any wishes or feedback? Would you like to work with us or become a advertising partner? Get in touch with us at ”hello@thewurst.agency”.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
#56 Tapping & talking, Kurschatten & kids in an adults world
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Warning: This is a bilingual podcast that speaks Denglish
In this episode, Jake and Gabriel jump around all over the place, talking about all kinds of random topics from the interesting culture of Kur, to how kids are living in a world built mainly for adults.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ A road trip from Vienna to Bavaria's capital of beer breweries
+ Phone-phobia
+ Kur culture and what the hell a Kurschatten is? (spoiler: it's when two people doing Kur have an affair just for the period of the Kur).
+ a new podcast concept - tap dancing and talking
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Feb 27, 2023
#55 Friendly American Vs Wiener grant
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Warning: this podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish
For the second part of our chat with the American actress and singer living in Vienna, Megan Crain, we explore how a friendly American deals with Wiener Grant.
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Feb 20, 2023
#54 20th best Austrian podcast, skiing up a mountain & farting
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
The first ever guest on The Wurst Guide - singer, actress and funny American redhead, Megan Crain – joins Gabriel and Jake in the studio. They talk about farting in front of a partner, skiing UP a hill, and so much more!!!
Oh, and by the way - after only 10 months, we're one of the top 20 podcasts in Austria people! Thanks to you TWG gang!
What do we specifically talk about?
+ that moment you fart in front of your partner for the first time
+ how the hell we made it into the list of the best podcasts in Austria
+ going into a mask-less future at the end of February
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Feb 13, 2023
#53 If you only had one last day in Vienna...
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Warning: This podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish.
Hosts, Jacob and Gabriel, imagine themselves in the scenario where they've only got 24 hours left in Vienna before they have to leave the city FOREVER.
What would they do? What would they miss?
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Feb 06, 2023
#52 She’s/ He’s a 10 but... Mahlzeit!
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Warning: This podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish
Why in Austria do you find yourself having several people a day yelling 'Mahlzeit' at you around midday on a daily basis? What does this curious expression mean, and where does it come from?!
What do we specifically talk about?
+ 'Mahlzeit', 'Mahlzeit,' 'Mahlzeit'...
+ She's/ He's a 10 but...
+ Gabriel wrote a poem and shares it with the world
+ Jake's new segment that will give you a 'mind orgasm'
...and more
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Jan 30, 2023
#51 Body & Lumibär love
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Our relationship with our bodies is a complex one. In this episode, Jake and Gabriel dare to explore the topic of body insecurities, and how to overcome them, while somehow they also manage to fit in a try-not-to-laugh-showdown while listing synonyms for male and female boobs.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ We're nominated for the Ö3 Podcast awards - this is you last chance to VOTE FOR US!: https://oe3.orf.at/podcastaward/stories/3030108/?web=1
+ How Gabriel fell in love with a 60cm plastic bear lamp
+ Body insecurities and how to get over them
+ The weird Austrian-German word lesson
+ Boobs and moobs aka. milk monsters
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Jan 23, 2023
#50 Sprechen Sie Denglish?
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Warning: This is a bilingual podcast that speaks Denglish
Denglish?! Was is Denglish?! Well, it's when a German speaker takes the English language, mixes it with German in a cocktail shaker, and pours one weird but wild drink that gets them speaking German with a bit of English thrown in. And while it's grown in popularity in recent years, it's not new!
Gabriel and Jake dive deep into Denglish.
What do they specifically talk about?
+ The Wurst Guide is nominated for the Ö3 podcast awards and we need your vote! Vote here (it only takes 10 seconds!): https://oe3.orf.at/podcastaward/stories/3030108/
+ The most common Denglish words
+ The two kinds of Denglish
+ How Denglish is slowly taking over the German language
+ Jake gets emotional as he breaks his Knödel virginity and creates a monster Knödel
+ Gabriel attempts to do some pretty simple maths and fails
and much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Jan 16, 2023
#49 Gusch! Is Austria the quietest country in the world?
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Warning: This is a bilingual podcast that speaks Denglish
Ever noticed while riding the U-Bahn in Vienna the deafening sound of silence? While an urban soundtrack is expected of a city, good luck finding it on a sleepy Sunday in Vienna! Jake and Gabriel get loud while talking about the Austrian love for silence.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria has been nominated for the Ö3-Podcast Awards! You can vote for us, here: https://oe3.orf.at/podcastaward/stories/3030108/
+ calling the police on loud neighbors - fair or an a**hole move?
+ night noise restrictions - good or bad thing?
+ the recent climate activist protests around Vienna
+ police fining a cigar-smoking dog for barking too loud
and much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Jan 09, 2023
#48 New year’s resolutions and pubic hair
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Warning: This podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish.
Gabriel and Jake kick off the year with an episode in which they offer up a bunch of new year's resolutions from their life learnings from 2022, while they also have a chat with the AI chatbot, ChatGPT, and discover why Austrians gift each other little pigs and chimney sweepers on new years.
They also somehow work into the discussion some kind of action movie scene in which their pubic hair comes to life and saves them from a knife attack.
And much more!!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Dec 19, 2022
#47 @minusgold aka. Jaqueline Scheiber
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Warning: This podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish.
Talented author, creator, and influencer, Jaqueline Scheiber (known as minusgold on Instagram) joins Gabriel and Jake in the studio. They cover a lot of ground in their discussion, jumping from what life is like when you're an online personality that people recognize on the street, to political correctness in comedy to cancel culture to being a clueless cis white male (like Gabriel and Jake ;-)
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!