Schon mal einen bilingualen Podcast gehört? Angetrieben von der Idee, ihr Publikum pünktlich zum Wochenstart mit einem humorvollen Gedanken zu verwöhnen, versuchen Jacob Moss (Journalist & Werber) und Gabriel Schaffler (Radiomacher & Kulturjournalist), bewusst eine Sprache für viele Menschen zu sprechen. Der eine auf Englisch, der andere auf Deutsch. Australia Vs. Austria. Woche für Woche setzten sich die beiden Hosts vor die Mikrofone und plaudern über Wien, Österreich und die Welt da draußen. Völlig egal, ob random Beobachtungen, heikle Momente oder tagesaktuelle Themen. The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Immer Montags - Immer deppat. Der Podcast „The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria“ ist eine Produktion der Werbeagentur „The Wurst Agency“ und wird gesponsert von dem Online-Magazine „Vienna Würstelstand“. Dein Magazin rund um Wien. Hast du Wünsche oder Feedback? Möchtest du mit uns arbeiten oder Werbepartner werden? Get in touch with us „hello@thewurst.agency” ENGLISH 👇👇👇 Have you ever listened to a bilingual podcast? Driven by the idea of treating their audience to a humorous thought at the start of the week, Jacob Moss (journalist & advertiser) and Gabriel Schaffler (radio producer & cultural journalist) consciously aim to speak a language for many people. One in English, the other in German. Australia Vs. Austria. Week after week, the two hosts sit in front of the microphones and chat about Vienna, Austria, and the world out there. Whether it’s random observations, tricky moments, or current topics, it doesn’t matter. ”The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Every Monday - Always silly.” The podcast ”The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria” is a production of the advertising agency ”The Wurst Agency” and is sponsored by the online magazine ”Vienna Würstelstand”. Your magazine about Vienna. Do you have any wishes or feedback? Would you like to work with us or become a advertising partner? Get in touch with us at ”hello@thewurst.agency”.
Monday May 16, 2022
#16 An Austrian kind of summer holiday
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
In this episode, co-hosts Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler are talk about all things summer holidays in Austria (and its surroundings).
What do we specifically talk about?
- A few golden insider travel tips
- Road trip travel stories
- What to do with your summer holidays
- Gabriel's horror film sounding night in some random couple's kids' room in New Zealand
- Jake's hairy scary horse trip through Kyrgyzstan
And more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it!
Even a few words count!
Monday May 09, 2022
#15 The things we don’t talk about in Austria
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Co-hosts, Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler, open up Austria's attic where piles of taboos are kept locked away to talk about the things that are not commonly talked about (even actively avoided!) in Austria.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Austrian's relationship to money and death
+ How to negotiate with your employer for the wage that you deserve
+ Phantom farters on the Vienna U-Bahn
+ Feet and showering routines
And much more (yes, including you know what)!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Send us a voice message on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it!
Even a few words count!
Monday May 02, 2022
#14 Partying in Vienna’s post-pandemic nightlife
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
In this episode, co-hosts Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler are joined by resident DJ at the Vienna club, O – der Klub, and music producer, Nima Yahya to talk about ‘post-pandemic’ partying in Vienna
What do we specifically talk about?
- How partying has changed in Vienna since the ‘post-pandemic’ reopening
- The insider’s secret spots to be discovered in O – der Klub
- What it’s like to be a DJ inspiring a Vienna audience to dance
- The people of Vienna tell us their craziest night of partying in Vienna in 5 words and we attempt to connect the dots
And more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it!
Even a few words count!
Monday Apr 25, 2022
#13 The dirty Danube and its sharks. Wait, what?!
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
In this special episode, co-hosts, Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler answer the call from a listener to investigate a recent video uncovered by the Heute newspaper that raises the question (and alarm bells) – does Vienna's Danube have sharks in it?! Along the way, they also dive deeper into some fascinating insights about the blue vein of Vienna, the Danube river.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Jacob performs some investigative journalism at its finest (Warning: high levels of sarcasm present) as he attempts to get to the bottom of the rumours of a Donau-Hai (Danube shark)
+ Stories and facts about Vienna's Danube river
+ Gabriel's clumsy experience with a toilet repairman
+ The most kinda useless, but fascinating news of our times in Austria
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it!
Even a few words count!
Monday Apr 18, 2022
#12 Spring in Vienna
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Co-hosts, Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler talk all things spring in Austria. Also, with it being the Easter special, we talk a little about that too.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Biking in Vienna
+ Where to get that first ice cream in Vienna
+ What's worse? - crocs/ sandals and socks or animal print FFP2 masks
+ Neighbourhood markets
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Send us a voice message on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it!
Even a few words count!
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria is back, and coming with the relaunch is a new co-host – Austrian comedian and podcaster, Gabriel Shaffler. Woot! Woot!
In the first episode back from a one-month break, the Austrian, Gabriel, speaks with his Australian co-host, Jake Moss, about all things living in Austria, along with some other random... stuff.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Life in Atbau vs Neubau
+ Our new big and beautiful plans for The Wurst Guide... podcast
+ What's better: sex in the legendary bar, Schikaneder's toilet, or a U-Bahn station toilet?
+ the Wurst news this week in Austria
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Send us a voice message on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
While if you're an Austrian reading this, Thomas Brezina needs no introduction, but we're going to do it anyway. As the author of 550+ books, the creator and presenter of the most popular children's shows to ever show up on Austrian television, Thomas Brezina has inspired the imagination and claimed the hearts of millions of Austrians, young and old(er).
We invited Thomas into the Wurst studio to talk about his recipe for living a happy and fulfilled life, what it's like to be one of the most loved figures in Austria, how he goes about his writing craft and being a storyteller.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Why Thomas has never been drunk in his entire life
+ What it's like to be the beloved Thomas Brezina
+ Thomas' journey to TikTok
+ How he came up with Tom Turbo
+ How capturing children's attention and imagination has changed in the last 20+ years of his career
+ Thomas' life long quest to discover how to be happy
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Do follow Thomas Brezina on Instagram and Tiktok
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
#9 How to be an asylum-seeker in Austria?
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
No, this is not a guide to being an asylum-seeker in Austria, yet rather a guide to what it is like to be seeking asylum in this country. Spoiler alert: It's not pretty.
We speak to the press pro, Maren Riebe, at the independent organisation, Das Flüchtlingsprojekt Ute Bock, who dedicate their days to helping those seeking asylum in Austria.
We gain a fascinating insight into the lives of these people who arrive here seeking protection from some f*** up war or government that want them silenced (or worse), but instead, get stuck in the Austrian government's broken asylum process.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ What it's like when you first arrive here as an asylum-seeker
+ The stories of the many asylum-seekers stuck in the asylum application process for decades
+ What it's like to work with these people on a daily basis and where hope can be found
+ The major misconceptions around the topic of asylum-seekers
+ How the words we use can affect people's lives and perceptions
+ The incredible force of a human being, Ute Bock
+ How we can help in practical and meaningful ways
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Do follow the Flüchtlingsprojekt Ute Bock on Instagram
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
A film-worthy art heist that happened right in Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum, what art in Vienna you absolutely can't miss out on, what's it been like running one of the most important art museums in the world over the course of the pandemic – we discuss all of this and more with the fascinating storyteller of an art historian, Sabine Haag.
Warning: Her love for art is incredibly infectious during this episode.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ The Kunsthistorisches Museum's greatest hits
+ Sabine's tips on what art not to miss in Austria
+ The museum robbery that happened at the Kunsthistorisches museum
+ Why it's great to go to a museum with a child
+ Breaking down the intimidating vibe art gives off
+ A beginner's guide on how to approach art as you should – simply open and curious
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Do follow the Kunsthistorisches Museum on Instagram
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Austria's often perceived (and experienced by many) as a conservative country.
We invited well-known drag queen, fashion designer and DJ, Tamara Mascara into the studio to talk about how to be bold and beautifully different in the conservative landscape of Austria where sameness is strongly encouraged and being unique will often earn you stares and judgemental comments.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ How to overcome your fear of being judged and live out your true unique self
+ How to find your people in Austria
+ The liberating power of drag
+ Vienna's drag scene and gay party scene
+ What it's been like to be a drag queen performer throughout Covid and lockdown life in Austria
+ Just the tip of Tamara's tips in how to flaunt who you are without inhibition
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Check out Tamara Mascara on Instagram.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!