Schon mal einen bilingualen Podcast gehört? Angetrieben von der Idee, ihr Publikum pünktlich zum Wochenstart mit einem humorvollen Gedanken zu verwöhnen, versuchen Jacob Moss (Journalist & Werber) und Gabriel Schaffler (Radiomacher & Kulturjournalist), bewusst eine Sprache für viele Menschen zu sprechen. Der eine auf Englisch, der andere auf Deutsch. Australia Vs. Austria. Woche für Woche setzten sich die beiden Hosts vor die Mikrofone und plaudern über Wien, Österreich und die Welt da draußen. Völlig egal, ob random Beobachtungen, heikle Momente oder tagesaktuelle Themen. The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Immer Montags - Immer deppat. Der Podcast „The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria“ ist eine Produktion der Werbeagentur „The Wurst Agency“ und wird gesponsert von dem Online-Magazine „Vienna Würstelstand“. Dein Magazin rund um Wien. Hast du Wünsche oder Feedback? Möchtest du mit uns arbeiten oder Werbepartner werden? Get in touch with us „hello@thewurst.agency” ENGLISH 👇👇👇 Have you ever listened to a bilingual podcast? Driven by the idea of treating their audience to a humorous thought at the start of the week, Jacob Moss (journalist & advertiser) and Gabriel Schaffler (radio producer & cultural journalist) consciously aim to speak a language for many people. One in English, the other in German. Australia Vs. Austria. Week after week, the two hosts sit in front of the microphones and chat about Vienna, Austria, and the world out there. Whether it’s random observations, tricky moments, or current topics, it doesn’t matter. ”The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Every Monday - Always silly.” The podcast ”The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria” is a production of the advertising agency ”The Wurst Agency” and is sponsored by the online magazine ”Vienna Würstelstand”. Your magazine about Vienna. Do you have any wishes or feedback? Would you like to work with us or become a advertising partner? Get in touch with us at ”hello@thewurst.agency”.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
#6 The news that changed Austria and our lives in 2021, summarised
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, we talk to the well-known Vienna-based independent journalist, Michael Bonvalot, who has written for several big-name publications in Austria. We break down the historic happenings that would define the chapters if Austria's 2021 was a history book.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ How the Corona pandemic has radically changed Austria, and our lives, in 2021?
+ How, in Austria, right extremists are exploiting this turbulent time in history and plotting ugly stuff on Telegram
+ The life-threatening danger Bonvalot faces reporting on protests in Vienna
+ Basti and his government's political circus in 2021
+ The Lobau tunnel controversy
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Check out Michael Bonvalot's journalism at bonvalot.net and support him in any way you can (even if it means sending over an encouraging message on his socials)
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
#5 Are the Viennese actually so rude or is it all just a big misunderstanding?
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
In exactly the same study, Vienna was voted as both the most liveable city, but also the unfriendliest city to live in.
We invited influencer and original Wienerin, Astrid Aschenbrenner ( aka. Wienerkind_ ) into the studio to discuss a topic that seems to come up at every house party and gathering where there's a multicultural crowd present – are the Viennese so rude or is it all just one big misunderstanding?
What specifically do we talk about?
+ How did the Viennese get the reputation for being rude?
+ Are they really rude or are they just misunderstood?
+ Grumpy Viennese waiters and omas
+ How Astrid corrupted her friendly Canadian boyfriend with the infamous Viennese Grant
+ What Brie has in common with heroin
And much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Check out Astrid Aschenbrenner at @wienerkind_ on Instagram for laughs and Vienna-related content.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
#4 How to be funny in Austria
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Like most countries, our fine alpine home country has a special brand of 'Made in Austria' humour.
We explore what makes the people of Austria (and specifically the people of Vienna) laugh out loud with comedian and podcast co-host at Peace Joy And Pancakes, Gabriel Schaffler. Our cameraman and photographer and all-around talented human being, Christopher Hanschitz, also joins us in the studio.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ What makes up the Austrian sense of humour
+ The comedy scene in Austria and Vienna
+ Gabriel's near-death-by-cow experience when pooping in the woods
and much more...
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Check out Gabriel Schaffler on Instagram for some more laughs.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
#3 Your ultimate guide to the wonderful world of Würstelstände in Vienna
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Würstelstände (aka. sausage stands) are part of what makes Vienna, Vienna. They are iconic institutions where all kinds of people meet. They are a place of refuge and greasy binge eating at 4 am after a night out of drinking. We invite the owners of the iconic Wiener Würstelsand in Vienna's 8th district into the Wurst studios to talk Würstel.
What do we specifically talk about with Mike and Stephan?
+ They take us on a tour of Vienna's best Würstelstände
+ The behind the scenes of running a Würstelstand
+ A guide to Würstelstand etiquette and how to make the most out of your experience when visiting one
+ Würstel food porn ;)
+ What makes a tasty Würstel
+ the future of the endangered Würstelstände in Vienna
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Friday Oct 15, 2021
#2 How & where to shop for the best vintage fashion in Vienna
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
In the second episode of The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria, we have the ridiculously stylish vintage fashion guru, Teddy Green, who manages the beloved vintage store and cafe, Burggasse24, in Vienna's 7th district. He reveals some insider tips that all vintage fashion lovers will very much appreciate.
What do we specifically talk about in this episode?
+ The best vintage stores in Vienna - from budget to high end
+ How to put together a vintage outfit like a pro
+ Teddy's incredibly gorgeous Gucci shoes
+ The sustainability of dressing vintage in Vienna
+ Insider tips and tricks on how to find vintage fashion gems that are just waiting to be put on YOUR body
For more of the good stuff, visit the magazine that powers this podcast, Vienna Würstelstand. It's our mission to help people make the most out of Vienna...and life.
Connect with us at @viennawurstelstand on Instagram and let us know who you'd like us to have on the podcast for a chat, and what Austria or Vienna related topics you'd like us to cover!
Friday Oct 08, 2021
#1 Raising kids in Vienna and nudity in Austria
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria talks with American singer and actress, Megan Crain, about raising kids in Vienna (insider tips included) and the culture shock for an American when confronted with Austrian’s comfort with baring their bare a** and ‘wobbly bits’ in public.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Tips on what to do with kids in Vienna
+ The benefits of raising kids in Vienna
+ The experience of being confronted with Austrians being seemingly okay with being naked in public with complete strangers.
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast? Hit us up on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Review our show here if you liked it! Even a few words count!
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Trailer: Welcome to the podcast bringing Austria into your earholes
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Welcome to The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria, a podcast you probably don't need and certainly never wanted. Nevertheless, it is rated as one of the 20 best podcasts in Austria.
Hosts, Austrian radio journalist, Gabriel Schaffler, and Australian journalist turned entrepreneur, Jacob Moss, get together every week to bring you literally the worst guide to living in Austria.
Listen to this trailer to get a glimpse of what you'll be getting yourself into on a weekly basis if you subscribe (and you certainly should do that, you beautiful people of Austria).
This podcast is powered by The Wurst Agency who bring you www.viennawurstelstand.com (yeah, we know, it's complicated).