Schon mal einen bilingualen Podcast gehört? Angetrieben von der Idee, ihr Publikum pünktlich zum Wochenstart mit einem humorvollen Gedanken zu verwöhnen, versuchen Jacob Moss (Journalist & Werber) und Gabriel Schaffler (Radiomacher & Kulturjournalist), bewusst eine Sprache für viele Menschen zu sprechen. Der eine auf Englisch, der andere auf Deutsch. Australia Vs. Austria. Woche für Woche setzten sich die beiden Hosts vor die Mikrofone und plaudern über Wien, Österreich und die Welt da draußen. Völlig egal, ob random Beobachtungen, heikle Momente oder tagesaktuelle Themen. The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Immer Montags - Immer deppat. Der Podcast „The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria“ ist eine Produktion der Werbeagentur „The Wurst Agency“ und wird gesponsert von dem Online-Magazine „Vienna Würstelstand“. Dein Magazin rund um Wien. Hast du Wünsche oder Feedback? Möchtest du mit uns arbeiten oder Werbepartner werden? Get in touch with us „hello@thewurst.agency” ENGLISH 👇👇👇 Have you ever listened to a bilingual podcast? Driven by the idea of treating their audience to a humorous thought at the start of the week, Jacob Moss (journalist & advertiser) and Gabriel Schaffler (radio producer & cultural journalist) consciously aim to speak a language for many people. One in English, the other in German. Australia Vs. Austria. Week after week, the two hosts sit in front of the microphones and chat about Vienna, Austria, and the world out there. Whether it’s random observations, tricky moments, or current topics, it doesn’t matter. ”The Wurst Guide - am worst day - Every Monday - Always silly.” The podcast ”The Wurst Guide to Living in Austria” is a production of the advertising agency ”The Wurst Agency” and is sponsored by the online magazine ”Vienna Würstelstand”. Your magazine about Vienna. Do you have any wishes or feedback? Would you like to work with us or become a advertising partner? Get in touch with us at ”hello@thewurst.agency”.
Monday May 15, 2023
#66 God save the Jogginghose
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Aufgepasst, Leute! Dieser Podcast spricht Denglish.
In dieser Podcast-Episode geht's rund - von der Fashion Police Österreich, die Jogginghosen an Schulen verbieten will, über Schuluniformen, bis hin zu Gabriel's Abenteuern in Irland.
Und wisst ihr schon, wie weit ihr mit euren Jogginghosen gehen dürft? Der Jogginghosen-Radius ist nämlich ein echter Mythos! Außerdem wird diskutiert, ob Lehrer an Autorität verlieren, wenn sie in Jogginganzügen unterrichten.
Aber das ist noch längst nicht alles! Wir quatschen auch über die irische Pub-Kultur, Nationalstolz und sogar Jägersprache und Brunftzeit der Alphamänner. Na, wenn das kein spannender Stoff für einen Podcast ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht.
Gepowert wird das Ganze von viennawurstelstand.com und The Wurst Agency und moderiert von den beiden Typen Jacob Moss und Gabriel Schaffler. Wenn ihr Ideen habt, wen ihr gerne im Podcast hören oder welches Austria-Thema ihr genauer unter die Lupe nehmen wollt, dann schickt uns gerne eine Sprachnachricht oder eine DM auf Instagram (@viennawurstelstand).
Und denkt daran: Gebt uns 5 Sterne, wo immer ihr eure Podcasts hört, und macht unsere Mütter stolz!
Monday May 08, 2023
#65 Viennese phrases that makes no sense in English
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Jacob and Gabriel attempt to stuff Austrian sayings into English while their ‘Zettltime’ takes their conversation on a while ride from political correctness to the 3 types of parents to belly buttons taking over the world.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ The 3 types of parents
+ How you would explain wokeness to a child
+ Dysfunctional families
+ The danger of cooking topless
+ Political correctness and imitating accents
+ Trying to directly translate Viennese sayings into English
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast, or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday May 01, 2023
#64 Brendan Fraser und der österreichische Journalismus
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Warning: this episode is only in German
Gabriel invites into the studio filmmaker and radio producer, Julia Baschiera.
They talk about Gabriel's war with his landlord due to dramatic rent rises and why he's considering going Gemeindebau (social housing).
They also talk about the changes happening in Austrian journalism and what it is like to interview Brendan Fraser after his Oscars win.
What did they specifically talk about?
+ Living in social housing in Austria
+ 'Neidkultur' in the media industry
+ Diversity at Festivals
+ Art Vs journalism
+ Why podcasts have arrived and are here to stay
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
#63 An American, an Austrian & 2 Germans walk into a bar
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Warning: this is a bilingual podcast that speaks Denglish
With Jake recording from a rental car in Australia and Gabriel in Berlin at the Spotify festival, they explore the topic of expectations Vs. reality. While their intention is to make it a short and sweet episode, this one turns out to be a storytime kind of episode.
What specifically do we talk about?
+ Jake's interviews a ladyboy in Thailand
+ Gabriel's travel tale of spending a night in some random New Zealand child's room with a couple of Germans, and an American
+ When a bad decision goes well
+ When an expectation is shattered by reality
And so much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Apr 17, 2023
#62 Host an tschick?!
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Austria has one of the largest smoking populations in Europe and it was the last country in Europe to ban smoking indoors, so it's fair to say that it's part of the country's culture.
Jake and Gabriel jump into the topic of smoking in Austria while - as always - they stray into various other random subjects that end up leading them into various random conversations.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ The Dalai Lama tongue-sucking scandal
+ Is Austria the 'ashtray of Europe'?
+ cutting fingernails - clipper or cutter?
+ Gabriel abuses a tourist and a random guy in a horse suit
And much more!!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Apr 10, 2023
#61 One year TWG & Eggsbenedikt ist mein Triggerpoint
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Jake and Gabriel celebrate the 1st year anniversary of The Wurst Guide with a smashing (said in a posh British accent) episode. They look back on the wild ride the podcast has been so far while engaging in random topics in pointless conversations as they’ve always done since the podcast was born. Oh, and they undertake a little couple’s therapy together, too.
What do they specifically talk about?
+ The ultimate trick for when kids are crying
+ Disney songs are the ultimate power anthems for the most masculine amongst us
+ The new form of dating that is the counterculture to online dating#
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Apr 03, 2023
#60 Gehen wir bitte weg vom Sperma
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
The topic of this episode is 'What is Austria allergic to?' however, it turns out that Jacob and Gabriel are allergic to this topic. They talk about everything from AI to cold plunging, and land at some point talking about all the weird things people in Austria are allergic to.
Warning: This podcast speaks Denglish
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Mar 27, 2023
#59 Hustle culture with Roman Bruckner (@brumanrockner)
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
The damn talented (and funny) TikTok & Instagram Creator, Roman Bruckner (@brumanrockner) joins Jake and Gabriel in the studio to talk about hustle and work culture in Austria.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ vending machine drug cartels
+ self-compassion
+ Influencer life
+ how do you know you're on the path to burnout
+ Death and Zentralfriedhof
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
We highly recommend you follow Roman on Tiktok & Instagram!
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Mar 20, 2023
#58 Frühstücken & are Austrians more French than they think?
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Nobody knows how to do breakfast quite like the Viennese do...ok, maybe they do, nevertheless, in this episode, Jacob and Gabriel eat a Wiener breakfast while talking breakfast. As always, they also talk about many other random things.
Warning: this is a bilingual podcast speaking Denglish.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ Are potatoes and eggs possibly the most boring food items in the food kingdom?
+ Are Austrians more French than they think?
+ How to eat Eier im Glas like a pro
And much more!
Follow @thewurstguide on Instagram and TikTok.
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!
Monday Mar 13, 2023
#57 Cats Vs Dogs
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Warning: this is a bilingual podcast that speaks Denglish.
Are you team dog, or team cat? Egal! Either way you'll enjoy this episode in which Gabriel and Jake talk about our love for pets of all varieties and play a good old round of – things you can say to your dog, but can't say to your partner.
What do we specifically talk about?
+ bad news fatigue and how to cope with it
+ dogs, cats, and getting a Thai massage while having your dog put down
And much more!
This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler.
Like us to have somebody specific on the podcast or you'd like us to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in particular? Send us a voice message or a txt DM on IG at @viennawurstelstand
Give us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and make our mothers proud!